As of the 8th of February, the following update has occurred to the Flat Rate NOW and Trustpilot Integration for ServiceM8 Users.
What should I expect?
When you update your ServiceM8 Job Status to Complete, FlatRateNOW will communicate with Trustpilot and send your client a unique email requesting they leave you a review.

Under Trustpilot in your admin console, select ‘send to Trustpilot when’ and choose ‘on job completion’.
Once selected, simply press Apply and you will begin sending unique Trustpilot review emails to your clients upon completion of the job!
How do I get access to this feature?
If you are receiving the following error in your Admin Console, you have not purchased the integration.
To purchase the integration, follow the prompts here.
I'm after more information about the Trustpilot Integration
Excellent - if you would like more information, please click here to find out more!
If you have any questions, please contact us