Any industry involving customer service presents an opportunity for hostilities and objections to arise. It’s critical that...
How are tradie pricebooks created?
by Marcel Donnelly on Mar 9, 2021 11:02:30 AM
Creating a pricebook requires time however maintaining the pricebook requires a commitment.
Need 200 Reasons To Join FlatRateNOW? Here's one more reason!
by Marcel Donnelly on Jun 3, 2020 1:32:26 PM
Is the thought of learning a new app stopping you from improving your business?
We have 200 reasons to start today and...
My Dashboard - See Into Your Business
by Marcel Donnelly on May 11, 2020 8:13:05 PM
FlatRateNOW Dashboard will provide you business clarity. By breaking down your business into easy to understand stats, you...
Take the stress out of setting up FlatRateNOW & save $200!
by Marcel Donnelly on May 7, 2020 2:34:07 PM
Is the thought of learning a new app stopping you from improving your business? Through-out May, we have 200 reasons to...
FlatRateNOW Online Quotation Feature
by Marcel Donnelly on Apr 30, 2020 3:47:00 PM
Signing a quotation not only provides a sense of authority but is an important part of approving the sale. However, what...
How The FlatRateNOW Community Keep Growing Their Business
by Marcel Donnelly on Apr 7, 2020 10:43:20 AM
In times of crisis, there are opportunities. As the Australian economy wrestles with the COVID-19 virus, businesses are...
Brighte - Financing With Brighte
by Marcel Donnelly on Sep 9, 2019 10:48:00 AM
Brighte was created with a simple mission; improving the accessibility of solar & battery products to the everyday consumer.
Train My Newbie
by Marcel Donnelly on Jun 26, 2019 5:51:00 PM
Hiring a new employee is a large investment by the business. Time spent reading resumes, recruiting agency fees, time spent...
Update To Trustpilot Trigger For ServiceM8 Users
by Marcel Donnelly on Feb 8, 2019 5:49:00 PM
As of the 8th of February, the following update has occurred to the Flat Rate NOW and Trustpilot Integration for ServiceM8...