Latest Australian Government Support Packages July 2020

Posted by Marcel Donnelly on Jul 22, 2020 6:59:26 PM

As COVID-19 continues to impact all Australians, it is extremely important to be aware of the Government support packages that are available and purposely created to get your through these times.


the jobtrainer package

The Australian Federal Government recently announced a new $2 billion JobTrainer Skills Package. This package is developed to give hundreds of thousands of Australians access to new skills either through retraining or upskilling, in preparation for post-COVID economic growth.


  • Australians may have access to free, or low cost, training places in areas of identified skills needs through the establishment of a new $1 billion JobTrainer fund.
  • $500 million from the Australian Government, with matched contribution being sought from state and territory governments.
  • JobTrainer Fund will provide ~340,700 additional training places


You can learn more on the Australian Government Website.


The JobKeeper Package Extension

Further to the JobTrainer announcement, the current JobKeeper package is being extended until 28 March 2021 however changes to the JobKeeper will come into effect from the 28th of September 2020.


JobKeeper will no longer be a single payment across all those receiving the support. It will be replaced with a 2 tiered rate:

  • existing $1,200 per fortnight rate
  • $750 per fortnight rate


The eligibility of these 2-tiered rates are outlined by the Treasury.


The Victorian Government Support Package

In addition to the above, the Victorian Government has announced a $534 million Business Support Package for those businesses that are struggling with the second wave of lock downs.


The funding is to provide assistance to businesses that require support in meeting business costs, seeking financial or legal aide, developing marketing and communication activities and other activities related to the operation of the business.


You can find out more information on the Victorian Government Website.


Other Links:

Australian Government - 3rd Stimulus Package

Australian Government Stimulus Package 2020

Topics: COVID-19